Archive: March 24, 2009

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secrectary __________________________________________________________________ EMBARGOED UNTIL 10:15AM                                March 24, 2009 ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS ANNOUNCE U.S.-MEXICO BORDER SECURITY POLICY: A COMPREHENSIVE RESPONSE & COMMITMENT WHO: Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Deputy Secretary of State Jim…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary __________________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                       March 24, 2009 The following op-ed by President Obama on the urgent need for global economic cooperation ran in more than thirty papers around the world today.  The…

President Calls NASA Astronauts On March 24, 2009, the President made a long distance call to the International Space Station. President Obama was joined by Congressional leaders and middle school students from the Washington, DC area in the Roosevelt Room…