Archive: March 26, 2009

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary __________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                              March 26, 2009 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT “OPEN FOR QUESTIONS” TOWN HALL East Room 11:39 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you so much.  Well, it is great…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _____________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                                  March 25, 2009  REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE FUNDRAISER Warner Theater Washington, D.C. 9:05 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Hello!  Hello!  (Applause.)  How’s it going, Democrats? …

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secrectary _____________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                                 March 25, 2009 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE FUNDRAISER National Women in the Arts Museum Washington, D.C. 7:58 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody.…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secrectary ___________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                                 March 26, 2009 President Obama Signs Emergency Declaration for Minnesota The President today declared an emergency exists in the State of Minnesota and ordered Federal aid to supplement…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secrectary _____________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                                March 26, 2009 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT ON THE EDWARD M. KENNEDY SERVE AMERICA ACT I’m so pleased that the Senate overwhelmingly passed the bipartisan Edward M. Kennedy…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ____________________________________________________________________________ EMBARGOED UNTIL BROADCAST                                           March 26, 2009 PRESIDENT OBAMA DELIVERS MESSAGE TO VIEWERS OF UNIVISION AWARDS SHOW TONIGHT The President will discuss his belief in the importance of civic participation and his…

                                      THE WHITE HOUSE                                          Office of the Press Secretary ___________________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                         March 25, 2009 Statement from President Barack Obama on the passing of historian Dr. John Hope Franklin: “Because of the life John Hope Franklin lived, the public…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ____________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                              March 26, 2009 NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Luis C. de Baca, of Virginia, to be Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking, with the rank…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ____________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                                  March 26, 2009 NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Steven Elliot Koonin, of California, to be Under Secretary for Science, Department of Energey, vice Raymond L. Orbach, resigned. Yvette…

THE WHITE HOUSE  Office of the Vice President ___________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                      March 26, 2009 OPENING REMARKS BY THE VICE PRESIDENT AT THE ECONOMIC RECOVERY IMPLEMENTATION MEETING WITH CABINET MEMBERS  Ceremonial Office Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building   10:45…