Archive: April 18, 2009

THE WHITE HOUSE   Office of the Press Secretary (Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago)   ————————————————————– For Immediate Release                      April 18, 2009        REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT BEFORE MEETING WITH LEADERS FROM UNASUR COUNTRIES Hyatt Hotel Port of…

With the process of going through the budget line by line in full swing, the President uses his Weekly Address to give some examples, big and small, of how the Administration is working to cut costs and eliminate waste. The President…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (Port of Spain, Trinidad) ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                   April 18, 2009                       New $100 Million Microfinance Growth Fund for the Western Hemisphere The global credit crisis is having a significant and harmful…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago) ___________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                    April 18, 2009                              PRESS BRIEFING BY SECRETARY OF ENERGY STEVEN CHU AND DEPUTY NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS DENIS…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (Port of Spain, Trinidad) __________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                   April 18, 2009                         PRESS BRIEFING BY PRESS SECRETARY ROBERT GIBBS, CHAIRMAN OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL LARRY SUMMERS, AND DEPUTY NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR…

THE WHITE HOUSE  Office of the Press Secretary (Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago)   ————————————————————- For Immediate Release                             April 18, 2009                       BACKGROUND BRIEFING BY SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS ON THE PRESIDENT’S MEETING WITH UNASUR COUNTRIES Crowne Plaza Hotel Port of…