Archive: July 8, 2009

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Vice President _____________________________________________ For Immediate Release                July 8, 2009 REMARKS BY THE VICE PRESIDENT AT HEALTH CARE ANNOUNCEMENT Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building 10:50 A.M. EDT      THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Good morning, folks. …

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ____________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                                                               July 8, 2009 REMARKS BY PRESIDENT OBAMA AND PRESIDENT NAPOLITANO OF ITALY AFTER BILATERAL MEETING Quirinale Palace Rome, Italy 12:03 P.M. (Local) PRESIDENT NAPOLITANO: (As translated.) Good morning.…

THE WHITE HOUSE   Office of the Press Secretary ____________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                                                               July 8, 2009   READOUT BY NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SPOKESMAN MIKE HAMMER ON THE PRESIDENT’S DISCUSSIONS WITH JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER ASO AT THE G8 SUMMIT IN…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Vice President ————————————- FOR PLANNING PURPOSES             July 8, 2009 **MEDIA ADVISORY** Vice President Biden To Hold Middle Class Task Force Roundtable Discussion with Small Business Owners and Employees on Rising Costs of Health Care…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                              July 8, 2009 Attached are statements and declarations from today’s Group of Eight meetings in L’Aquila, Italy. L’Aquila Statement on Non-Proliferation G8 Economic Declaration Political Declaration G8 Declaration on…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _______________________________________________ For immediate release                    July 8, 2009   Addressing the Nuclear Threat: Fulfilling the Promise of Prague at the L’Aquila Summit   On April 5, 2009, in Prague, President Obama presented an ambitious…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ___________________________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                          July 8, 2009 NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Irene Cornelia Berger, of West Virginia, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of West Virginia, vice David…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ___________________________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELASE                                                             July 8, 2009 President Obama Nominates Irene Berger, Roberto Lange to Serve on the District Court Bench WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Obama nominated Irene Berger and…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Vice President __________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release                                                            July 8, 2009 Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki The Vice President spoke with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki today.  The…

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Vice President —————————————————— For Immediate Release                                            July 8, 2009 President Obama Announces Intent to Nominate Francis Collins as NIH Director WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate Francis S. Collins…