Archive: December 18, 2009

Bella Center Copenhagen, Denmark   10:30 P.M. CET      THE PRESIDENT:  Let me start with a statement and then I’ll take a couple of questions.      Today we’ve made meaningful and unprecedented — made a meaningful and unprecedented breakthrough here…

5:35 P.M. CET PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Obviously our main concern in coming to Copenhagen was to try to move forward with an accord on the issue of climate change.  But on the margins of this meeting we thought it was important…

Bella Center Copenhagen, Denmark 12:32 P.M. CET THE PRESIDENT:  Good morning.  It is an honor for me to join this distinguished group of leaders from nations around the world.  We come here in Copenhagen because climate change poses a grave…

Michelle and I extend our warmest wishes to those who are celebrating the Hmong New Year. Over the course of decades, Hmong have come to this country in times of great difficulty, often as refugees escaping persecution. In Southeast Asia,…

10:30 P.M. CET   EL PRESIDENTE:  Permítanme comenzar con unas declaraciones y luego responderé un par de preguntas.   Hoy hemos logrado un avance significativo y sin precedente – un avance significativo y sin precedente aquí en Copenhague. Por primera…