Archive: December 24, 2009

For the first time in a weekly address, the President is joined by the First Lady as they celebrate Christmas. They both honor those serving overseas, those who have sacrificed for their country, and the families that stand by them.  Find…

8:47 A.M. EST EL PRESIDENTE: Buenos días a todos. En una histórica votación que tuvo lugar esta mañana, miembros del Senado se sumaron a sus colegas en la Cámara de Representantes a fin de aprobar un histórico conjunto de medidas…

8:47 A.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Good morning, everybody.  In a historic vote that took place this morning members of the Senate joined their colleagues in the House of Representatives to pass a landmark health insurance reform package — legislation that…

  WASHINGTON – En su mensaje semanal, el Presidente Barack Obama y la Primera Dama Michelle Obama expresaron sus mejores deseos por la Navidad a familias en todo el país y manifestaron su respeto y gratitud a los hombres y…

WASHINGTON- El Presidente Obama propuso hoy la candidatura del juez Timothy S. Black y de Gloria M. Navarro para las vacantes de juez de distrito en el Distrito Sur de Ohio y el Distrito de Nevada, respectivamente. Actualmente, Black es…

El Presidente Obama hizo las siguientes llamadas telefónicas esta mañana luego de la aprobación del H.R. 3590 en el Senado: — Sra. Vicki Reggie Kennedy. — Sr. David Turner de Little Rock, Arkansas. Al Sr. Turner le cancelaron su seguro…

WASHINGTON, DC – President Obama today nominated Judge Timothy S. Black and Gloria M. Navarro for the District Court Bench for the Southern District of Ohio and the District of Nevada, respectively.  Black is currently a United State Magistrate in…

President Obama made the following phone calls this morning following the Senate’s passage of H.R. 3590: — Mrs. Vicki Reggie Kennedy. — Mr. David Turner of Little Rock, Arkansas. Mr. Turner had his health insurance rescinded in January of last…

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, President Obama nominated Noel March and George White to be U.S. Marshals  for the District of Maine and the Southern District of Mississippi, respectively. “Noel March and George White both have long and stellar track records…

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, President Obama nominated Andre Birotte, Jr., David Capp, Richard Hartunian, William Hochul, Jr., Ronald Machen, Anne Tompkins and Sally Quillian Yates to be U.S. Attorneys. “These men and women have not only the legal experience and…