Archive: December 31, 2009

Esta mañana, hablé con John Brennan sobre las conclusiones preliminares de las consultas en curso que dispuse con respecto a las fallas humanas y sistémicas previas al atentado terrorista frustrado el día de Navidad, y nuestros esfuerzos a nivel de…

This morning, I spoke with John Brennan about preliminary assessments from the ongoing consultations I have ordered into the human and systemic failures that occurred leading up to the attempted act of terrorism on Christmas Day and about our government-wide…

Earlier this morning, the President sent this message to the CIA workforce in relation to yesterday’s attack in Khost Province, Afghanistan: To the men and women of the CIA: I write to mark a sad occasion in the history of…

The United States expresses dismay at reports that authorities in Moscow prevented Russian citizens from exercising their right to assemble peacefully.  In particular, the United States notes with concern the detention of protestors, including prominent human rights defender Lyudmila Alekseyeva,…

10:36 A.M. HAST SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL:   Good morning, everybody.  Thanks for coming by and allowing us to come by. I think you just saw in the note we sent out, the President had a series of phone calls this morning…