Archive: January 16, 2010

11:02 A.M. EST   PRESIDENTE OBAMA: Buenos días a todos. En tiempos de grandes desafíos en nuestro país y alrededor del mundo, los estadounidenses siempre se han unido para prestar una mano y ponerse al servicio de los demás y…

Rose Garden 11:02 A.M. EST PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Good morning, everybody.  In times of great challenge in our country and around the world, Americans have always come together to lend a hand and to serve others and to do what’s right. …

As the President continues to work on immediate job creation, he discusses his proposal for a new fee on the largest financial institutions to ensure that every cent of taxpayer assistance gets paid back. Saying that, “we’re not going to…

WASHINGTON – En su discurso semanal, el Presidente Barack Obama propuso de parte del pueblo estadounidense una cuota para las principales firmas financieras a fin de recuperar los $700,000 millones usados en el Programa de Asistencia para Activos Problemáticos (Troubled…

Attached are an Executive Order and a letter signed by the President yesterday, January 16th regarding ordering the selected reserve and certain individual ready reserve members of the Armed Forces to active duty. This Executive Order will help the Department…