Archive: February 11, 2010

Today, the United States Senate confirmed 27 of my high-level nominees, many of whom had been awaiting a vote for months.  At the beginning of the week, a staggering 63 nominees had been stalled in the Senate because one or…

Hoy, el Senado de Estados Unidos confirmó a 27 de mis candidatos a cargos de alto nivel, muchos de los cuales esperaban una votación desde hace meses. Para el inicio de la semana, se había dado largas a la asombrosa…

Earlier today, the Vice President and Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Lisa Jackson hosted a conference call with elected officials from across the country to discuss implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. On the call, the Vice…

WASHINGTON, DC – Hoy, la Dra. Christina Romer, presidenta del Consejo de Asesores Económicos (Council of Economic Advisers) del Presidente Obama, presentará el Informe Económico anual del Presidente. El Presidente firmará el informe y se lo remitirá al Congreso hoy.…

President Obama called Victor Yanukovych of Ukraine today to congratulate him on his election and wish him success in carrying out his mandate.  The President commended the Ukrainian people on the conduct of their February 7 vote.  This peaceful expression…

 “El Presidente está muy complacido de ver que el Senado está dando pasos con el respaldo de ambos partidos para ayudar a que los estadounidenses vuelvan a trabajar. El borrador del proyecto de ley, que fue dado a conocer hoy…

“The President is gratified to see the Senate moving forward in a bipartisan manner on steps to help put Americans back to work. The draft bill released today by Senators Baucus and Grassley includes several of the President’s top priorities…

Report Outlines Administration’s Roadmap for Rescuing, Rebalancing, and Rebuilding America’s Economy WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Dr. Christina Romer, the Chair of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, will present the annual Economic Report of the President.  The President will sign…

*Syria: We have not formally nominated an Ambassador. **Google/Iran: Google has not been in touch with the White House regarding Iran. 1:05 P.M. EST MR. GIBBS:  Good afternoon.  I need to get a shot clock up here.  (Laughter.) Q    You…