Archive: February 17, 2010

From the Roosevelt Room 5:20 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Hey, guys. COMMANDER ZAMKA:  Good morning from the International Space Station and from the Space Shuttle Endeavour, Mr. President. THE PRESIDENT:  Well, it’s great to talk to you guys.  I wanted…

10:26 A.M. EST THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Good morning, folks.  Thank you all for being here.  It’s been one year today since the President signed the Recovery Act into law, and I’m probably preaching to the choir here as to how…

The President and Vice President met today with Ambassador Chris Hill and General Ray Odierno, Commanding General of the United States Forces-Iraq (USF-I), to review political, economic, and security developments in Iraq.  They discussed the importance of broad participation in…

El Presidente y el Vicepresidente se reunieron hoy con el embajador Chris Hill y el General Ray Odierno, el Comandante General de las Tropas de Estados Unidos en Irak (USF-I), para analizar la situación política, económica y de seguridad en…

President Obama had the pleasure of hosting King Juan Carlos I of Spain for lunch at his private dining room at the White House.  The President was joined by Secretary Clinton and National Security Advisor General Jones while the King’s…

A un año de la Ley para la Recuperación A un año de su promulgación, la Ley para la Recuperación está generando empleo e impulsando el crecimiento económico en todo el país. Se han financiado más de 55,000 proyectos en…

Michelle y yo nos sumamos a los cristianos aquí en Estados Unidos y alrededor del mundo para conmemorar el Miércoles de Ceniza. Conmemoramos este solemne día de penitencia y promesa conscientes de que la Cuaresma es momento para que millones…

The Recovery Act at One Year One year in, the Recovery Act is at work across the country creating jobs and driving economic growth.  From major highway projects to green retrofits of military facilities and manufacturing of advanced batteries, more…

Recovery Act-Funded Projects Will Create Jobs, Spur Lasting Economic Growth KANSAS CITY, MO – One year to the day after President Obama signed the historic American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) into law, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood will announce…

The following op-ed, written by Vice President Joe Biden, was published in today’s USA Today: USA TODAY Assessing the Recovery Act: ‘The best is yet to come’ By Joe Biden February 17, 2010 A year ago today, President Obama signed…