Archive: March 7, 2010

3:09 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Today, the people of Iraq went to the polls to choose their leaders in Iraq’s second national election.  By any measure, this was an important milestone in Iraqi history.  Dozens of parties…

Jardín de Rosas   3:09 P.M. EST     EL PRESIDENTE: Buenas tardes a todos. Hoy, el pueblo iraquí acudió a las urnas para escoger a sus líderes en las segundas elecciones nacionales en Irak. En todos sus aspectos, éste…

Felicito al pueblo de Iraq por emitir sus votos en estas importantes elecciones parlamentarias. Tengo un gran respeto por los millones de iraquíes que se rehusaron a desistir debido a los actos de violencia y que ejercieron su derecho al…

On this day, 45 years ago, hundreds of brave men and women gathered in the small town of Selma, Alabama to announce to the world that they, too, sang America. As they marched from Selma to Montgomery, fully aware of…

I congratulate the people of Iraq for casting their ballots in this important parliamentary election. I have great respect for the millions of Iraqis who refused to be deterred by acts of violence, and who exercised their right to vote…

WASHINGTON – On April 15, President Barack Obama will visit Florida to host a White House Conference on the Administration’s new vision for America’s future in space, the White House today announced. The President, along with top officials and other…