Archive: March 11, 2010

11:30 A.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, everybody.  And thank you, John, for that generous introduction.  Congratulations to you and Fabienne and Luis for the recognition your companies so richly deserve.  And thank you to the Chairman of the Export-Import…

VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Mr. President, thank you for that lovely introduction.  And thank you for hosting me at such a world-class center for higher learning.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been back on campus.  I was a mere…

This evening President Obama met with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) to discuss a variety of critical issues confronting Hispanics and all Americans, in particular the need to act now to pass health care reform. The President thanked…

El jueves por la noche, el Presidente Obama se reunió con miembros del Caucus de Congresistas Hispanos (Congressional Hispanic Caucus o CHC) para hablar sobre una variedad de temas de importancia que enfrentan los hispanos y todos los estadounidenses, en…

WASHINGTON – El Presidente Obama anunció el jueves las organizaciones benéficas que recibirán una porción de los $1.4 millones otorgados por el Premio Nóbel de la Paz.   “Estas organizaciones realizan una extraordinaria labor en Estados Unidos y el extranjero,…

This afternoon, President Obama met with members of the Congressional Black Caucus to discuss the economy, job creation and the need to pass health care reform.  President Obama acknowledged the progress that has been made on the economy while also…

Today I met with Senators Schumer and Graham and was pleased to learn of their progress in forging a proposal to fix our broken immigration system.  I look forward to reviewing their promising framework, and every American should applaud their…

Hoy me reuní con los senadores Schumer y Graham, y me complació enterarme de los logros que han alcanzando en el desarrollo de una propuesta para arreglar el sistema quebrado de inmigración. Estoy deseoso de examinar su promisorio marco de…

WASHINGTON – President Obama today announced the charities that will receive a portion of the $1.4 million award that comes with the Nobel peace prize. “These organizations do extraordinary work in the United States and abroad helping students, veterans and…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to the President’s Export Council: W. James McNerney, Jr., Chair, President’s Export Council Ursula M. Burns, Vice Chair, President’s Export Council President Obama said, “Jim and…