Archive: March 12, 2010

WASHINGTON — TODAY at 9:00AM EST, Mike Froman, Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs will hold a background conference call to preview the President’s remarks at the Export Import Conference.  The call is embargoed until delivery of the…

En reconocimiento a los profundos vínculos entre Estados Unidos y México, la Primera Dama Michelle Obama visitará la Ciudad de México, México, del 13 al 15 de abril, en el primer viaje oficial que realiza sola como Primera Dama. La…

In recognition of the deep ties between the United States and Mexico, First Lady Michelle Obama will visit Mexico City, Mexico, April 13-15, on her first solo official trip as First Lady.  Mrs. Obama’s international agenda will amplify the President’s…

2:10 P.M. EST PRESS CORPS:  Yay! PRESS CORPS:  Ohhhh! MR. GIBBS:  Nice to see you.  Let me get a few pictures over here.  What was that groan for?  Come on. Q    Show us again, come one. Q    You can’t go…