Archive: March 14, 2010

I send my warmest wishes to all those that will celebrate the anniversary of the 1848 Hungarian Revolution tomorrow.  That event was a defining moment in Hungary’s struggle for freedom, and continues to serve as inspiration for all those that…

The President today declared an emergency exists in the State of North Dakota and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local response efforts in the area threatened by flooding beginning on February 26, 2010, and continuing. The President’s action…

El Presidente siente muchísimo y está indignado ante las noticias de los brutales asesinatos de tres personas vinculadas al Consulado General de Estados Unidos en Ciudad Juárez, México, incluidos una empleada estadounidense, su esposo, también ciudadano estadounidense, y el esposo…

The President is deeply saddened and outraged by the news of the brutal murders of three people associated with the United States Consulate General in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, including a U.S. citizen employee, her U.S. citizen husband, and the husband…

A PROCLAMATION Since 1962, during National Poison Prevention Week we alert American families about the dangers of accidental poisonings and provide information on safety measures that can prevent senseless injuries and deaths. With nearly two million poison exposures reported each…