Archive: March 16, 2010

11:40 A.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Thank you, everyone.  Thank you so much.  (Applause.)  And Rick, thank you for that very kind introduction.  I enjoyed our meeting, as well.  And thanks to all of you for having me…

America today is on the verge of a broadband-driven Internet era that will unleash innovation, create new jobs and industries, provide consumers with new powerful sources of information, enhance American safety and security, and connect communities in ways that strengthen…

As Sunshine Week begins, I want to applaud everyone who has worked to increase transparency in government and recommit my administration to be the most open and transparent ever, an effort that will strengthen our democracy and ensure the public’s…

1:47 P.M. EDT MR. GIBBS:  Good afternoon.  I think as the weather gets nicer we might want to move this — like class, we should move this outside and — Q    Absolutely. MR. GIBBS:  Oh, wow, everybody is — Q   …