Archive: March 18, 2010

11:20 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Good morning, everybody.  Please have a seat. Well, on this beautiful morning, we are here to mark the passage of a welcome piece of legislation for our fellow Americans who are seeking work in this…

7:47 P.M. EDT VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Good evening, everyone.  Mr. President, Mrs. Obama, the Taoiseach, Mrs. Cowen.  Welcome to the White House and welcome, all of you, to the White House. You know, as I said to some of my…

The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Arizona and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe winter storms and flooding during the period of January 18-22,…

En junio, me reuní con miembros de ambos partidos y asigné a la secretaria Napolitano para que trabaje con ellos y con grupos clave de todo el país a fin de formular una estrategia integral que arregle por fin nuestro…

In June, I met with members of both parties, and assigned Secretary Napolitano to work with them and key constituencies around the country to craft a comprehensive approach that will finally fix our broken immigration system. I am pleased to…

The President is pleased that the House has posted the health care legislation on the Internet and that a final vote is coming. But  since the House rules rightly provide for a 72-hour public review period, it is clear that…

A Estados Unidos y México los unen vínculos geográficos, históricos, familiares, culturales, económicos y de seguridad. En reconocimiento a estos profundos vínculos y la sólida relación que el Presidente Obama ha forjado con el Presidente de México, Felipe Calderón, el…

As Spring Construction Season Begins, Active Transportation Projects Totaling $29.8 Billion are Creating Jobs Across the Country DURHAM, NC – Vice President Joe Biden today announced that 10,000 transportation projects are now under way in all 50 states and the…

Jardín de Rosas 11:20 A.M. EDT, 18 DE MARZO, 2010 EL PRESIDENTE: Buenos días a todos. Por favor, tomen asiento. Bueno, estamos aquí esta hermosa mañana porque voy a promulgar una ley que va a ser muy bienvenida por nuestros…

12:52 P.M. EDT MR. GIBBS:  Thank you guys for coming to class being moved outside.  I hope you’re wearing your sunscreen.  I put SFP 30 on three times, so that’s 90, for any of you keeping track at home. This…