Archive: March 22, 2010

11:47 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Good evening, everybody.  Tonight, after nearly 100 years of talk and frustration, after decades of trying, and a year of sustained effort and debate, the United States Congress finally declared that America’s workers and America’s…

This afternoon President Obama spoke with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia who offered his congratulations to the United States on the passage of historic health insurance reform by the House of Representatives.  During their call the two leaders discussed issues…

Earlier this afternoon President Obama spoke with Mexican President Felipe Calderón to underscore his Administration’s commitment to the strong bilateral relationship between the United States and Mexico.   For his part, President Calderón took the opportunity to congratulate the President on…

We are now one step closer to passing real financial reform that will bring oversight and accountability to our financial system and help ensure that the American taxpayer never again pays the price for the irresponsibility of our largest banks…

Estamos ahora un paso más cerca de aprobar una verdadera reforma del sector financiero que aporte supervisión y rendimiento de cuentas a nuestro sistema financiero y ayude a asegurar que los contribuyentes estadounidenses nunca vuelvan a pagar por la irresponsabilidad…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key administration posts: Rafael Moure-Eraso, Chair, Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Mark A. Griffon, Member, Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Robert M. “Skipp”…

Lanza nueva Herramienta de Ahorros Tributarios en para ayudar a los contribuyentes a aprovechar los créditos tributarios de la Ley para la Recuperación WASHINGTON – Ya que es el momento de preparar las declaraciones de impuestos del 2010, el…

Esta tarde, el Presidente Obama habló con el Presidente Felipe Calderón de México para recalcar el compromiso de su gobierno con una sólida relación bilateral entre Estados Unidos y México. Por su parte, el Presidente Calderón aprovechó la oportunidad para…

On behalf of the American people, I send my best wishes to the people of Pakistan and all those of Pakistani descent here in America and around the world observing Pakistan National Day.  Seventy years ago, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and…

Launches New Tax Savings Tool to Help Taxpayers Take Advantage of Recovery Act Tax Credits WASHINGTON – With the 2010 tax filing season underway, Vice President Joe Biden, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman today announced…