Archive: April 5, 2010

11:01 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  How about Amber?  Please give Amber a big round of applause.  (Applause.) Is everybody having a good time?  (Applause.)  Happy Easter, everybody.  We are thrilled that all of you could come.  I’m not going to…

At approximately 8:00 pm this evening, the President spoke with West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin. President Obama offered his deepest condolences to the those who lost loved ones earlier today in the tragic incident. The President told Governor Manchin that…

Aproximadamente a las 8:00 pm de la noche, el Presidente habló con el Gobernador Joe Manchin de Virginia Occidental. El Presidente Obama expresó su más sincero pésame a quienes perdieron seres queridos en el trágico incidente de hoy. El Presidente…

Dear Madam Speaker: I ask the Congress to consider the enclosed amendment to Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 proposals in my FY 2011 Budget. In particular, I am requesting authority to allow the Department of Defense to transfer up to $50…

WASHINGTON – Esta semana de celebración religiosa, el Presidente Barack Obama aprovechó su mensaje para enviar un saludo por las fiestas e instar a todos los creyentes y no creyentes a recordar nuestro espíritu común de humanidad. Todas las personas…