Archive: April 8, 2010

Castillo de Praga Praga, República Checa 12:37 P.M. CEST PRESIDENTE OBAMA: Buenos días a todos. Es un honor para mí estar aquí de nuevo en la República Checa con el Presidente Medvedev y nuestros anfitriones checos para conmemorar la histórica…

Prague Castle Prague, Czech Republic 12:37 P.M. CEST PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Good afternoon, everyone.  I am honored to be back here in the Czech Republic with President Medvedev and our Czech hosts to mark this historic completion of the New START…

Prague Castle Prague, Czech Republic PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Thank you very much, everybody.  President Klaus, and to the people of the Czech Republic, thank you for your extraordinary hospitality. To President Medvedev, Dmitry, we have learned to work together, and I’m…

Exige atención particular a seguridad, medidas para velar por el cumplimiento de normas WASHINGTON, D.C. – El Presidente les ha dado instrucciones a funcionarios federales dedicados a la seguridad minera para que le presenten un informe la próxima semana sobre…

The President hosted leaders from eleven Central and Eastern European countries for dinner tonight in Prague. Each leader congratulated the President on the historic signing of the New START agreement between the United States and Russia earlier today. In discussing…

Focus on Safety, Enforcement Effectiveness WASHINGTON, D.C. – The President has tasked Federal mine safety officials to report next week on their initial assessment of the cause of the nation’s worst coal mining disaster in more than a quarter century,…

5:05 P.M. CEST MR. GIBBS:  Good afternoon, folks.  I will just start off, speak for a few seconds, turn this over to Ben, who will give you a little bit of the — talk a little bit about today, Mike…

Aboard Air Force One En Route Prague, Czech Republic 8:41 A.M. CEST MR. GIBBS:  Good morning.  So we’re just going to take you quickly through the day, answer a few questions.  We have not a ton of time because they’ve…

A PROCLAMATION Our Nation’s former prisoners of war faced tremendous challenges and dangers to protect us all. Many gave their last full measure of devotion to defend our freedom, and we are forever in their debt. Each year, on National…