Archive: April 9, 2010

2:03 P.M. EDT      EL PRESIDENTE: Buenas tardes a todos. Quisiera decir unas pocas palabras sobre la tragedia que tuvo lugar esta semana en West Virginia, pero antes de hacerlo, quisiera comentar sobre las noticias de que el juez John…

South Court Auditorium 1:40 P.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you, everyone.  (Applause.)  Thank you all so much.  It’s a pleasure to be here with all of you. Let me begin by thanking Melody for that kind introduction, that wonderful story. …

2:03 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  I want to say a few words about the tragedy that took place this week in West Virginia, but before I do, I’d first like to comment on the news that Justice…

11:11 P.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you all so much.  You’re so sweet!  (Applause.)  And there’s so many of you.  (Applause.) First of all, let me start by thanking Secretary Gates, first of all, for your very kind introduction, but…

“In 1975, as a first-term Senator from Delaware, I had the privilege of voting for the first time to confirm a nominee to serve on the United States Supreme Court.  Last year, I was honored when that nominee — Justice…

Six Public High Schools Selected to Compete for Presidential Commencement Address WASHINGTON – The White House and the Department of Education announced today the six high schools selected as finalists for the first annual Race to the Top High School…

11:08 A.M. EDT MR. HAMMER:  Hello.  Good morning, everyone.  Thanks for joining us.  Today we have with us Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes, who will kick off a brief introduction of what is coming up this…

7:19 A.M. EDT MR. McDONOUGH:  Hey, everybody.  Sorry to bother you.  We wanted to get you early enough in the flight, but we also wanted to get you a shot at General Jones, and I know that some of you…