Archive: April 13, 2010

UN Logistical Center Port-au-Prince, Haiti 3:22 P.M. (Local) DR. BIDEN:  Thank you Mr. Mulet for that introduction, for hosting us on this important visit, and for the ongoing leadership that you and the United Nations team have provided here in…

4:36 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  We have just concluded an enormously productive day.  I said this morning that today would be an opportunity for our nations, both individually and collectively, to make concrete commitments and take tangible…

Washington Convention Center Washington, D.C. 9:45 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Good morning, everybody.  I’d like to get started.  Let me begin by thanking all of you for your participation last night.  I thought it was a very important discussion. Before…

Centro de Convenciones de Washington Washington, D.C. 9:45 A.M. EDT    EL PRESIDENTE: Buenos días a todos. Me gustaría comenzar. Permítanme empezar agradeciéndoles a todos por su participación anoche. Me pareció una conversación muy importante.  Antes de comenzar, quisiera volver…

The President and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Commander of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan, discussed non-proliferation cooperation and important regional and bilateral issues during the opening dinner of the Nuclear Security…

President Obama had the opportunity to engage with Chilean President Sebastian Piñera during the Global Nuclear Security Summit on a range of issues on the bilateral, hemispheric and global agendas.  The President thanked President Piñera for Chile’s recently completed removal…

This Work Plan supports the Communiqué of the Washington Nuclear Security Summit. It constitutes a political commitment by the Participating States to carry out, on a voluntary basis, applicable portions of this Work Plan, consistent with respective national laws and…

Nuclear terrorism is one of the most challenging threats to international security, and strong nuclear security measures are the most effective means to prevent terrorists, criminals, or other unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear materials. In addition to our shared goals…

El Presidente Obama tuvo la oportunidad de hablar con el Presidente Sebastián Piñera de Chile durante la Cumbre Mundial sobre Seguridad Nuclear con respecto a una variedad de temas relacionados a planes bilaterales, hemisféricos e internacionales. El Presidente le agradeció…

Dentro del marco de la sesión plenaria final de la Cumbre Mundial sobre Seguridad Nuclear, el Presidente Obama tuvo la oportunidad de reunirse con la Presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner de Argentina. Los Presidentes conversaron acerca de varios temas de…