Archive: April 13, 2010

Centro de Convenciones de Washington Washington, D.C. 4:36 P.M. EDT   EL PRESIDENTE: Buenas tardes a todos. Acabamos de concluir una jornada sumamente productiva.   Dije esta mañana que hoy habría la oportunidad de que nuestros países, tanto individual como…

Earlier today, the Vice President hosted a conference call with Governors from across the country to discuss implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The following elected officials participated: Governor Chet Culver (D-Iowa) Governor Jay Nixon (D-Missouri) Governor Sean…

En la Cumbre sobre la Seguridad Nuclear en Washington, D.C., México, Estados Unidos y Canadá llegaron a un acuerdo para colaborar, junto con el Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica, (OIEA), a fin de convertir el combustible en el reactor de…

“I welcome this significant announcement from President Medvedev. This important step forward continues to demonstrate Russia’s leadership on nuclear security issues, and will add momentum to our shared global effort.” BACKGROUND: The ADE-2 reactor has been producing weapons-grade plutonium for…

On Saturday evening, the President will travel to Krakow, Poland to attend the State Funeral of President Lech Kaczynski and First Lady Maria Kaczynska on Sunday, April 18th. The President will travel to Krakow to express the depth of our…

El sábado por la noche, el Presidente viajará a Cracovia, Polonia, para asistir al funeral de Estado del Presidente Lech Kaczynski y la Primera Dama Maria Kaczynska el domingo, 18 de abril. El Presidente viajará a Cracovia para expresar, a…

The President has invited the bipartisan leaders of the Senate and the bipartisan leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, April 21st to discuss the Supreme Court vacancy left by the retirement of Justice Stevens. Senators Reid, McConnell, Leahy,…

At the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., Mexico, the United States, and Canada reached agreement to work together, along with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to convert the fuel in Mexico’s research reactor. President Calderon expressed “the strong… Features New Earth Day Page to Serve as a Resource Guide WASHINGTON, DC – President Obama today challenged Americans to take action in their homes, communities, schools, or businesses to improve the environment in honor of the upcoming 40th…

President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Harper met late yesterday on the margins of the Nuclear Security Summit.  The President and the Prime Minister noted the enduring strength of our bilateral partnership.  President Obama commended Prime Minister Harper for Canada’s…