Archive: April 14, 2010

2:19 P.M. (Local) SRA. OBAMA: Gracias. Gracias. (Aplausos.) Buenas tardes y muchas gracias. Gracias a usted, Jaime, por su muy amable presentación. Es a la vez un placer y un honor estar en este hermoso país, en esta gran universidad,…

10:53 A.M. EDT      EL PRESIDENTE: Bien, buenos días a todos. Les doy la bienvenida a los líderes del Congreso. Ésta es una de nuestras reuniones periódicas donde, obviamente, empezamos un largo periodo de trabajo, tras salir de otro muy…

2:19 P.M. (Local) MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you.  Thank you.  (Applause.)    Good afternoon, and thank you so much.  Thank you, Jaime, for that very kind and profound introduction.  It is such a pleasure and an honor to be in this beautiful…

10:53 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  All right.  Hello, everybody.  I want to welcome congressional leaders to one of our periodic meetings where, obviously, it’s the beginning of a lengthy work period coming off a very tough work period. One of…

Earlier today, the Vice President met with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili at the White House.  The Vice President thanked President Saakashvili for Georgia’s substantial contribution to the international effort in Afghanistan, with its battalion serving alongside United States’ troops in…

Earlier today, the Vice President visited the Polish Embassy in Washington, DC, to sign the condolence book for President Lech Kaczynski, First Lady Maria Kaczynska and all those who lost their lives in the tragic plane crash last Saturday in…

Les enviamos nuestro más profundo pésame a las familias de las víctimas del terremoto en la provincia de Qinghai en China. El pueblo estadounidense siente mucho las muertes y desolación causadas por esta catástrofe. Nuestros pensamientos y oraciones acompañan a…

NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Arthur Darrow Baylor, of Alabama, to be United States Marshal for the Middle District of Alabama for the term of four years, vice Jesse Seroyer, Jr. Michael Robert Bladel, of Iowa, to be United States…

We send our deepest condolences to families of the victims of the earthquake in China’s Qinghai province.  The American people are saddened by the loss of life and the devastation caused by this disaster. Our thoughts and prayers are with…

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Obama nominated Edward C. DuMont to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.  DuMont is currently a partner in the law firm of Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale and Dorr (WilmerHale). “Ed DuMont…