Archive: April 14, 2010

WASHINGTON- Today, President Obama nominated John A. Gibney for a seat on the United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia.  “I am pleased to nominate this dedicated public servant to serve on the United States District Court,” said President…

Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, México 2:19 P.M. (Local) SRA. OBAMA: Gracias. Gracias. (Aplausos.) Buenas tardes y muchas gracias. Gracias a usted, Jaime, por su muy amable presentación. Es a la vez un placer y un honor estar en este…

WASHINGTON- Today, President Obama nominated Donald J. Cazayoux, Pamela Cothran Marsh, Zane David Memeger, Peter J. Smith, Edward L. Stanton III, John F. Walsh and Stephen R. Wiggington to serve as U.S. Attorneys.  “For their diligence and relentless pursuit of…

Análisis muestra que la mitad de esos empleos son resultado del crédito tributario de la Ley para la Recuperación y la asistencia financiera a familias   WASHINGTON, DC – Un nuevo informe dado a conocer el miercoles por el Consejo…

WASHINGTON- Today, President Obama nominated Arthur Baylor, Michael R. Bladel, Kevin Carr, Kevin C. Harrison, Darryl K. McPherson and Henry L. Whitehorn Sr. to serve as U.S. Marshals.  “I am proud to nominate these outstanding public servants to serve as…

Today, the Vice President hosted a group of leaders from the American and international nuclear industry to encourage them to adopt and promote higher nuclear security standards.  One day after the President hosted the historic Nuclear Security Summit, over 20…

President Obama and German Chancellor Merkel met on April 13 on the margins of the Nuclear Security Summit.  The President values his excellent relationship with Chancellor Merkel, and enjoys consulting with her regularly on issues of mutual interest. In yesterday’s…

President Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan met yesterday during the Nuclear Security Summit and affirmed the strategic partnership between their countries.  The leaders discussed their joint interest in achieving the nonproliferation goals of the Summit and in ensuring…

The President reiterated his belief that we are open to ideas and eager to work with anyone who is willing to work with us regardless of party.  He also made clear that bipartisanship should not be equated with an openness…

Analysis Shows Half of Those Jobs As a Result of Recovery Act Tax Relief and Financial Assistance for Families WASHINGTON, DC – A new report released today by the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) finds that the Recovery Act was…