Archive: April 16, 2010

Roosevelt Room 1:38 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, everybody.  All right — don’t break anything.  (Laughter.)  You guys all set?  All right. Well, thank you all for coming.  We have a few topics to discuss today and I’m eager to…

Department of the Interior Washington, D.C. 10:17 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, everybody.  Thank you so much.  Thank you.  Please, everybody have a seat.  Thank you. It is a great privilege to join [you] for this conference on America’s…

6:42 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, everybody.  Everybody have a seat.  Everybody have a seat.  Settle down here for a second.  (Applause.)  Oh, it is good to be back in Miami.  (Applause.)  It’s good to be back in the…

Jill and I are deeply saddened by the loss of a true civil rights hero, Benjamin Hooks. As head of the NAACP from 1977-1992, and throughout a distinguished legal career, his voice stood out among a generation of African-American men…

El Presidente se reunió con su equipo de seguridad nacional para recibir el informe mensual sobre Afganistán y Pakistán. El Presidente y su equipo empezaron hablando de Afganistán, incluyendo el progreso hecho en la situación de seguridad tras la ofensiva…

The President today declared a major disaster exists in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and ordered Federal aid to supplement the Commonwealth and local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe winter storms and snowstorms during the period of February…

The President met with his national security team for his monthly update on Afghanistan and Pakistan. The President and his team began with a discussion on Afghanistan, including the progress that’s been made in the security situation following the Marjah…

The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of New York and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe storms and flooding during the period of March 13-15,…

On this occasion, we remember the day in 1862 when President Lincoln freed the enslaved people of Washington, DC – nine months before he issued the Emancipation Proclamation.   I am proud that an original copy of that document now hangs…