Archive: April 21, 2010

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Secretary Salazar, Carol Browner is here, Secretary Ray Mabus, Ben Cardin — I miss seeing you guys every day, Ben.  Dennis Cardoza, I’m told Emanuel Cleaver is here.  I see Marcy is here, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur.  Ed…

River Terrace Elementary School Washington, D.C. 11:3 A.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA: Well, this is pretty cool, don’t you think? AUDIENCE: Yes. MRS. OBAMA: I mean, right here in your school, in your Multipurpose Room, you’ve got Olympians and Paralympians and…

10:43 A.M. EDT    EL PRESIDENTE: Muy bien, muy bien. Estamos aquí para hablar sobre la Corte Suprema. Obviamente, estamos por perder uno… los servicios de uno de los mejores jueces de la Corte Suprema que hemos visto jamás. El…

Oval Office 10:43 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  All right, everybody.  We are here to talk about the Supreme Court.  Obviously, we have lost one of — the services of one of the finest Supreme Court Justices that we’ve seen.  Justice…

NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Craig Becker, of Illinois, to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring December 16, 2014, vice Dennis P. Walsh, to which position he was appointed during…

Michael Stein Address, Soref Symposium 25th Anniversary Soref Gala Thank you all very much.  Thank you, Martin Gross, for your very kind introduction, and for your leadership as the Institute’s new president.  You have 25 years of Institute history to…

25 comunidades seleccionadas recibirán subvenciones de la Ley para la Recuperación a fin de intensificar remodelaciones (“Retrofit Ramp-Up”)   Washington, D.C. – El Vicepresidente Biden hoy dará inicio a cinco días de eventos del gobierno en torno al 40º aniversario…

Michael Stein Address, Soref Symposium 25th Anniversary Soref Gala “Since taking office, President Obama has pursued a two-state solution—a secure, Jewish state of Israel living side by side in peace and security with a viable and independent Palestinian state.  This…

WASHINGTON- Today, President Obama nominated Judge Leslie E. Kobayashi, Judge Susan Richard Nelson, Judge Ellen Lipton Hollander, Judge James K. Bredar and Edmond E. Chang to United States District Court judgeships. “I am honored to nominate these outstanding candidates to…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key administration posts: Luis E. Arreaga, Ambassador to the Republic of Iceland, Department of State Rose M. Likins, Ambassador to the Republic of Peru, Department…