Archive: April 28, 2010

President Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke today by telephone, one in an ongoing series of consultations between close allies on global issues.  They discussed the importance of resolute action by Greece and timely support from the IMF and…

“Hoy la Cámara de Representantes dio otro paso crucial hacia una mayor responsabilidad fiscal al aprobar la Ley para Eliminar y Recuperar Pagos Inapropiados (Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act).  Esta ley cuenta con el respaldo de ambos partidos y…

“Today, the House took another critical step toward increased fiscal responsibility by passing the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act.  This bipartisan legislation will help save taxpayer dollars by reining in wasteful overpayments from the federal government to individuals, organizations…

TOUR AND REMARKS AT POET BIOREFINING MACON, MO 12:20 PM (TOUR)//1:00 PM (REMARKS) The President will tour POET Biorefining in Macon, MO and talk to workers about what they are experiencing during these tough economic times and share ideas for…

9:46 A.M. CDT MR. BURTON:  Good morning.  Thank you for joining us.  We’re going to have some long drives today, but we’ll see some beautiful parts of the country.  So, at 12:20 p.m., the President is going to tour the…

A PROCLAMATION  On July 4, 1776, after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, the Continental Congress of the newly formed United States of America appointed a committee to design a national seal.  Our Founders set out to create a…

A PROCLAMATION  For over two centuries, our Nation has adhered to the rule of law as the foundation for a safe, free, and just society.  President Eisenhower, seeking to formally recognize this tradition, established Law Day in 1958 as “a…

A PROCLAMATION The 2010 Winter Olympics inspired people around the globe as they watched elite athletes push their bodies to the limit.  Olympic competition showcases the vibrancy that physical activity can add to a person’s life.  Exercise strengthens both body…

NATIONAL CHARTER SCHOOLS WEEK, 2010 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Our Nation’s future depends on the education we provide to our sons and daughters, and charter schools across America serve as laboratories for education.…

A PROCLAMATION  For centuries, America’s story has been tied to the Pacific.  Generations of brave men and women have crossed this vast ocean, seeking better lives and opportunities, and weaving their rich heritage into our cultural tapestry.  During Asian American…