Archive: April 29, 2010

Marie Reed Community Learning Center Washington, D.C. 2:55 P.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Thank you so much.  Look, there’s not much more I need to say.  Rachel, Dayo both did just an outstanding job in laying out the…

1:54 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Hello, everybody.  Please have a seat.  Welcome to the White House.  Welcome to the Rose Garden.  This is an extraordinary occasion, a beautiful day — appropriately so.  So I hate to intrude…

10:40 A.M.  EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Please be seated.  Let me begin by saying a word to Dr. Dorothy Height’s sister, Ms. Aldridge.  To some, she was a mentor.  To all, she was a friend.  But to you, she was family,…

Statement from HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on News that California Insurer, Anthem, is Withdrawing Proposed 39-Percent Rate Increase “Today’s announcement is good news for the more than 800,000 Californians who could have been hit with massive rate increases and gives…

Today, President Obama called Governors Jindal, Crist, Perry, Riley, and Barbour to discuss the BP oil spill situation and assure the Governors that the administration will continue to use every single available resource at our disposal in the response efforts.…

“It is the federal government’s responsibility to enforce the law and secure our borders, as well as to set clear rules and priorities for future immigration. The continued failure of the federal government to fix the broken immigration system will…

“Es la responsabilidad del gobierno federal velar por el cumplimiento de la ley y reforzar nuestras fronteras, como también fijar normas y prioridades claras para la inmigración futura. El fracaso continuo del gobierno federal en arreglar el sistema quebrado de…

NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Peter A. Diamond, of Massachusetts, to be a Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the unexpired term of fourteen years from February 1, 2000, vice Frederic S. Mishkin. Malcolm…

New ARPA-E projects in 17 states will accelerate innovation in clean energy technologies, increase America’s competitiveness and create jobs Washington, DC – At a Recovery Act Cabinet Meeting today, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu will…

“I welcome the introduction of this strong bi-partisan legislation to control the flood of special interest money into America’s elections. Powerful special interests and their lobbyists should not be able to drown out the voices of the American people. Yet…