Archive: May 8, 2010

1:42 P.M. (local) PRESIDENT ZAPATERO:  (As interpreted.)  I would like to welcome Vice President Biden most warmly to Spain, him and his delegation, and tell him how pleased we are, my government and myself, for this visit of the Vice…

(Conducted May 6, 2010) 1:50 P.M. EDT Q    President Obama, thanks so much for having me here. THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much. Q    I’ve got several important issues in Russian-American bilateral relations, which we will of course discuss.  But…

The President goes through the benefits in health insurance reform that are already kicking in for young adults, retirees, and families, and says more benefits are coming down the pike.

VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Mr. President, Madam Minister, General, officers, ladies and gentlemen, it is true that I very much wanted to be here today to pay respects to such a group of warriors who have stood side by side with…

On May 9, the Russian Federation will host a commemoration of one of the most important events in human history – the defeat of fascism in World War II. This achievement was won only by the extraordinary sacrifices made by…

MENSAJE SEMANAL: El Presidente Obama elogia los beneficios y éxitos de la reforma de salud que ya están en efecto   WASHINGTON – En su mensaje semanal, el Presidente Barack Obama destacó las maneras en las que la reforma de…