Archive: May 11, 2010

10:40 A.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA:  Thanks, everyone, and thanks, Melody, for that kind introduction, that wonderful summary. I want to thank Melody in particular for her work with this administration, especially her leadership on this Task Force. As I said…

“The United States is disappointed by the Egyptian government’s decision to extend the State of Emergency which has been in effect continuously since 1981.  We call on the Egyptian government to fulfill its pledge to the Egyptian people to replace…

“El martes 1ero de junio el Presidente Obama le dará la bienvenida al Presidente Alan García de Peru con quien se reunirá en la Casa Blanca.  Perú es un aliado importante de los Estados Unidos y el Presidente está deseoso…

Today, I was pleased to call David Cameron to extend my personal congratulations for the successful campaign that he ran and for becoming the new British Prime Minister.  As I told the Prime Minister, the United States has no closer…

Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden remains in stable condition, alert, with full motor and speech skills after suffering a mild stroke.  The Attorney General will be transferred this afternoon to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia for further observation and…

“This afternoon, following a briefing from FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, President Obama called Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry.  The President told Governor Henry that his thoughts and prayers were with the people of Oklahoma as they cope with the devastating damage…

“On Tuesday, June 1, President Obama will welcome President Alan Garcia of Peru for a meeting at the White House.  Peru is an important partner with the United States and the President looks forward to the opportunity to discuss a…

“President Obama and Spanish President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero spoke today by telephone as part of the President’s ongoing consultations with close allies on the global economic situation.  They discussed the importance of Spain taking resolute action as part of…

“Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden was admitted this morning to Christiana Hospital in Newark, Delaware after having what we believe to be a mild stroke.  He is in good spirits and talking with his family at the hospital.  He is…

The President spoke today with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority.  The President congratulated President Abbas on the start of Israeli-Palestinian proximity talks.  He reiterated his strong support for the establishment of an independent, viable Palestinian state living in peace…