Archive: May 18, 2010

1:30 P.M. EDT      THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, hello, hello!  Hey!  (Applause.)  It’s good to see you.  Thank you.  Thank you, everybody.  Everybody please have a seat. Let me first of all just say thank you to some people who are…

Publica primer informe anual WASHINGTON—El Consejo sobre Comunidades y Trabajadores del Sector Automotor (Council on Automotive Communities and Workers) de la Casa Blanca anunció hoy un importante marco para acelerar la descontaminación y conversión de plantas automotrices cerradas como resultado…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key administration posts: Patrick S. Moon, Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Department of State Christopher W. Murray, Ambassador to the Republic of the Congo, Department…

“I am disappointed that an effort to ensure that oil companies pay fully for disasters they cause has stalled in the United States Senate on a partisan basis.  This maneuver threatens to leave taxpayers, rather than the oil companies, on…

NOMINATION SENT TO THE SENATE: Helen Patricia Reed-Rowe, of Maryland, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Palau.

“Estoy decepcionado de que un esfuerzo para asegurar que las compañías petroleras paguen totalmente por los desastres que causan no haya podido proceder en el Senado de Estados Unidos por razones partidistas. Esta maniobra es una amenaza a los contribuyentes,…

Council on Auto Communities and Workers Announces Landmark Framework to Speed Redevelopment of Shuttered Auto Facilities First Annual Report released WASHINGTON—The White House Council on Automotive Communities and Workers today announced a landmark federal framework to speed the cleanup of…

On Tuesday, the President will travel to Youngstown, Ohio, and tour the facilities of V&M Star, a manufacturer of steel tubular goods, before delivering remarks on jobs and the economy to workers.   The President will discuss how efforts to rescue…

“On behalf of the American people, I send my congratulations to all those who celebrate Haitian Flag Day – here in America, in Haiti, and around the world.  Over 200 years ago, freedmen from what is now the Republic of…

Via Conference Call 11:35 A.M. EDT MR. CHANG:  Thank you, everyone, for joining the call and for waiting a few minutes. We’ll get right underway with our senior administration official, who will preview the visit of President Calderón here at…