Archive: May 21, 2010

10:58 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Good morning, everybody.  Good morning.  Everybody, please have a seat.  It is wonderful to have you all here.  Welcome to the White House.  I want to introduce some of the folks who are onstage who…

Hace un llamado a mayor apoyo a vehículos eléctricos, extensión de política nacional para autos y camiones ligeros   WASHINGTON, DC – Hoy, el Presidente Obama continuó sentando las nuevas bases de energía limpia, al anunciar su visión de camiones…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate James M. Cole as Deputy Attorney General at the Department of Justice. President Obama said, “James brings with him exceptional experience, both as a lawyer in private practice and…

Dennis Blair tiene una excelente trayectoria de servicio a Estados Unidos, y le agradezco su liderazgo como director de inteligencia nacional. En el transcurso de muchas décadas, el almirante Blair ha prestado servicios a nuestro país con mucha integridad, inteligencia…

Jardín de Rosas   4:33 P.M. EDT   EL PRESIDENTE: Buenas tardes a todos. Quiero decir unas cuantas palabras sobre la votación de hoy con respecto a la reforma financiera en el Senado.   He dicho muchas veces que la…

Calls for increased support for electric vehicles, extension of national policy for cars and light- trucks WASHINGTON, DC – President Obama today continued to build towards a new clean energy foundation, announcing a vision for cleaner, more efficient trucks, and…

See below for an answer to a question(marked with an asterisk) posed in the briefing that required follow up.   *As Mr. Brennan said, we don’t deal with Hezbollah, Hezbollah is a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Our policy towards…

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:  Section 1.  Establishment.  There is established the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon…