Archive: May 25, 2010

WASHINGTON— TODAY, Tuesday, May 25, at 3:00 PM EDT/12 PM PDT, Chief Economist to the Vice President Jared Bernstein and Matt Rogers, Senior Advisor to Energy Secretary Chu will hold a conference call with reporters to preview President Obama’s trip…

El Presidente tuvo un buen intercambio con el Grupo Republicano del Senado (Senate Republican Conference) hoy sobre las prioridades para el resto del año. Pidió su cooperación para concluir la labor con medidas para ayudar a generar empleo y mejorar…

WASHINGTON, DC – Hoy, en un evento en honor de los Pequeños Empresarios del Año de todo el país, el Presidente instará al Congreso a que apruebe un conjunto de medidas de empleo en beneficio de pequeñas empresas que incluye…

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, at an event honoring Small Business Owners of the Year from across the country, the President will urge Congress to pass a Small Business Jobs Package, including a proposal he put forth in early February to…

Earlier today, the Vice President hosted a conference call with Mayors from across the country to discuss implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The following Mayors and officials participated: Mayor Dewey Bartlett (D-Tulsa, OK) Mayor William A. Bell,…