Archive: June 4, 2010

2:29 P.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I want to thank everybody who participated in this meeting.  Most of the folks here were in the meeting that we had last week.  One of the encouraging signs is that, at least with…

12:40 P.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you, everyone.  Good afternoon.  So is it hot enough?  (Laughter.)  We planned this especially.  Lots of sun, no breeze, got you in your whites and hats.  We’re going to bring you out scarves and…

9:43 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Good morning, everybody. AUDIENCE:  Good morning. THE PRESIDENT:  Well, let me just — please, everybody, have a seat — have a seat.  It is wonderful to be here.  And I want to make a couple…

11:05 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, everybody.  Please have a seat.  Well, welcome to the White House.  And congratulations on winning your first MLS Cup Championship –- and for bringing the state of Utah its first professional sports title in…

9:43 A.M. EDT    EL PRESIDENTE: Buenos días a todos.    PUBLICO: Buenos días.    EL PRESIDENTE: Pues bien, permítanme simplemente… por favor, tomen asiento todos… tomen asiento. Es fabuloso estar aquí. Y quiero mencionar a dos personas rápidamente. La…

THE PRESIDENT:  Everybody knows the Mayor.  The Mayor has gathered up a group of local businesspeople.  Butch, for example, owns a marina; Terry, a shrimp boat; Floyd, oyster fisherman; and Patti has a convenience store; Chris is the owner of…

A Michelle y a mí nos apenó mucho enterarnos del fallecimiento de William Miranda Marín. Willie será recordado por el fervor con el que trabajó como Ayudante General de la Guardia Nacional de Puerto Rico, como funcionario del gobierno dedicado…

The Government of Israel has stated its desire to avoid a confrontation and a repeat of Monday’s tragic events on the Mavi Marmara.  It remains a U.S. priority to provide assistance to the people of Gaza.  In the interest of…

Michelle and I were saddened to hear about the passing of William Miranda Marín. Willie will be remembered for the passion with which he served, as an Adjutant General of the Puerto Rico National Guard, as a government executive committed…

We welcome the election of Mr. Kan as Japan’s next Prime Minister and the President looks forward to speaking with the new Prime Minister soon.  Japan is an important friend and ally.  Our partnership is crucial to peace and prosperity…