Archive: June 5, 2010

10:44 A.M. EDT      THE PRESIDENT:  Good morning, everybody.  As President, I have no higher priority than the safety and security of the American people.  And in an interconnected world where dangers can emerge suddenly, we have to protect ourselves…

Speaking from Grand Isle, Louisiana, the President discusses the hardships local residents and small business owners are facing as a result of the BP oil spill. He pledges to make sure those responsible do not shortchange them.  Learn more about…

Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden have departed for Egypt, Kenya, and South Africa. While in Egypt, the Vice President  will meet with President Mubarak to discuss a full range of bilateral and regional issues. The Vice President…

President Obama called Democratic Party of Japan President Naoto Kan on Saturday to congratulate him on his election as Japan’s next Prime Minister. The two leaders agreed to work very closely together to address the many issues facing both nations…

I’m saddened to hear of the passing of an incredible coach, and an even better man, John Wooden.  As a basketball fan, I remember fondly his ten NCAA championships, his unrivaled winning streak at UCLA, and the caliber of players…

WASHINGTON- En su mensaje semanal, el Presidente Barack Obama resaltó su compromiso con ayudar al pueblo de la Costa del Golfo a reconstruir y a recuperarse tras el derrame de petroleo de BP que amenaza el sustento de la región.…