Archive: June 10, 2010

Cabinet Room 12:14 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I want to thank all these leaders for engaging in a very substantive conversation, and I’m going to be relatively brief in summarizing it.  Obviously the top of our list was our…

Today, National Incident Commander Admiral Thad Allen sent a letter to BP Chairman of the Board Carl-Henric Svanberg inviting him to meet with the President and other senior officials responding to the BP oil spill. Click HERE to view the…

I commend the Senate for rejecting the resolution put forward by Senator Murkowski, which would have increased our dependence on oil by blocking efforts to cut the harmful pollution that contributes to climate change. Today’s vote is yet another reminder…

En el Salón Rojo y el Comedor de Estado, el Presidente conversó individualmente con los familiares de las víctimas del desastre de la plataforma petrolera Deepwater Horizon. Lo acompañaron, el secretario Ken Salazar, Carol Browner, Valerie Jarrett y el almirante…

James E. Graves, Jr., of Mississippi, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit, vice Rhesa H. Barksdale, retired.

WASHINGTON – Today, President Obama nominated James E. Graves, Jr.  to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.  “Throughout his career James E. Graves has shown unwavering integrity and an outstanding commitment to public service,”…

In the Red Room and the State Dining Room, the President had individual discussions with family members of the victims of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster. He was joined by Secretary Ken Salazar, Carol Browner, Valerie Jarrett and Admiral…

On June 10, 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed into law the Equal Pay Act, which sought to end wage discrimination on the basis of sex. At the time, women were paid 59 cents for every dollar earned by men.…

I join the American people in extending my best wishes to all who celebrate Portugal Day – also known as the Day of Camões, Portugal, and the Portuguese Communities.  The United States and Portugal enjoy a strong friendship built upon…

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 1:38 P.M. EDT Q Well. MR. GIBBS: Come on, it’s like 90 today, isn’t it? Q It’s like you’re late, is what it is. MR. GIBBS: It’s what? Q It’s like you’re late. MR.…