Archive: June 12, 2010

With doctors facing deep cuts in their reimbursements from Medicare unless Congress acts to correct long-standing problems, the President calls on Senate Republicans to stop blocking the remedy and pledges to work toward a permanent solution.  The cuts would potentially…

Attached is a letter President Obama sent today to Speaker Pelosi, Senator Reid, Senator McConnell and Representative Boehner. Read the letter (pdf).

Today, the President called Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe to offer condolences for the tragic loss of life during the horrible flooding in Arkansas and express his concern for those who remain missing.  President Obama assured Governor Beebe that FEMA will…

The President and British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke today by telephone in their first substantive conversation since the President’s congratulatory call on May 22, 2010.  The President looks forward to seeing Cameron in Canada later this month and in…

The Vice President met today with South African Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe.  The meeting was indicative of the deepening and expanding relations between our two nations. They discussed several concrete ways in which the United States and South Africa will…

Vice President Biden met with FIFA President Blatter this morning in Johannesburg.  They discussed the excitement surrounding the 2010 World Cup and its host country South Africa.  They talked about the importance of soccer globally; the passion and growing fan…

WASHINGTON – En el mensaje de esta semana, el Presidente Barack Obama hizo un llamado a los senadores republicanos para que detengan el bloqueo a la votación para prevenir un recorte de 21 por ciento en los pagos a los…