Archive: June 14, 2010

3:05 P.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  I just had to — a chance to tour this staging facility here at Theodore along with Admiral Allen and Governor Riley.  I also want to acknowledge that Congressman Jo Bonner and…

Chimney’s Restaurant Gulfport, Mississippi 12:45 P.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT:  — the business owners, as well as the Mayor, and the Governor and First Lady for Thad and myself. As you can see, this is a spectacular beach.  We’ve got Missy,…

Coast Guard Station Gulfport Gulfport, Mississippi 11:56 A.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT:  I’m going to make a longer statement later in Alabama, so just very quickly I just want to thank Governor Barbour and the First Lady of Mississippi for hosting…

El Presidente: Buenas tardes a todos. Acabo de tener — la oportunidad de visitar este centro de implementación aquí en Theodore junto con el almirante Allen y el gobernador Riley. También quiero agradecer la presencia del congresista Jo Bonner y…

WASHINGTON – Hoy, el Presidente Barack Obama anunció su intención de nombrar a las siguientes personas para terminar de conformar la Comisión Nacional sobre Perforación en Mar Abierto y el Derrame de Petróleo del Deepwater Horizon de BP:   • Frances…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to complete the membership of the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling: Frances G. Beinecke, Member, National Commission on the…

Anne M. Harrington, of Virginia, to be Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, National Nuclear Security Administration, vice William H. Tobey, resigned. Earl F. Weener, of Oregon, to be a Member of the National Transportation Safety Board for a term…

“I want to thank Dr. Ed Montgomery for his dedicated service to my Administration and the country.  Over the last year, Ed has crisscrossed the country in a tireless effort to cut through red tape and speed the economic recovery…

Aboard Air Force One En route Gulfport, Mississippi 10:55 A.M. EDT MR. BURTON: Good morning. So for starters, after being directed by the administration to move more quickly, BP is now stepping up its efforts to contain the leaking oil.…