Archive: June 15, 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, President Barack Obama announced his selection of Michael R. Bromwich to lead the Administration’s efforts to accelerate reforms in the regulation and oversight of offshore oil drilling. Bromwich will lead the effort to reform the Minerals…

El Presidente:  Acabamos de tener una conversación muy útil y quiero agradecerle al gobernador Crist y a la delegación del Congreso, así como a Mike Pinzone, dueño de este restaurante, un local maravilloso con vista a esta hermosa playa. Y…

WASHINGTON – Today at 4:15pm EDT, Martha Minow, Dean and Jeremiah Smith, Jr. Professor of Law at the Harvard Law School; Evan H. Caminker, Dean and Branch Rickey Collegiate Professor of Law at the University of Michigan Law School; and…

El martes 15 de junio, 2010, el Presidente promulgó la siguiente ley:   S. 3473 – que enmienda la Ley de Contaminación Petrolera (Oil Pollution Act) de 1990 y autoriza pagos anticipados del Fideicomiso de Responsabilidad por Derrame Petrolero (Oil…

12:45 P.M. EDT MR. BURTON:  I figured since there’s a lot of this that it’s just going to get kicked to the afternoon briefing — we’ll just do this right now and — fire away. Q    On Petraeus collapsing in…