Archive: June 19, 2010

The President calls on Republicans in Congress to put scoring political points aside, and instead to focus on solving the problems facing the nation.  At the time of this address, the Republican leadership is blocking progress on a bill to…

La decisión de China de aumentar la flexibilidad de su tasa de cambio es una medida constructiva que puede ayudar a salvaguardar la recuperación y contribuir a una economía mundial más equilibrada. Estoy deseoso de hablar de éste y otros…

On this day 145 years ago, the people of Galveston, Texas, received word from members of the Union Army that those slaves who remained captive were now indeed free.  More than two years after President Lincoln had signed the Emancipation…

China’s decision to increase the flexibility of its exchange rate is a constructive step that can help safeguard the recovery and contribute to a more balanced global economy.  I look forward to discussing these and other issues at the G-20…

  WASHINGTON – En su mensaje semanal, el Presidente Barack Obama le hizo un llamado al Congreso a que suspenda la politiquería, y en vez se dedique a solucionar los problemas del país. El liderazgo republicano está obstruyendo progreso sobre…