Archive: June 22, 2010

5:22 P.M. EDT          EL PRESIDENTE:  Bueno, acabamos de tener una reunión de gabinete con una agenda obviamente muy amplia. Una de las primeras cosas que mencionamos es el progreso que estamos haciendo en términos de reanudar el…

East Room 12:20 P.M. EDT      THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  What do you think, Taylor?  She did a pretty good job.  Yes, she was solid.  Welcome to the White House, everybody.  And thank you, Amy, for the wonderful introduction.  Thank…

5:22 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Well, we just finished up a Cabinet meeting with obviously a very wide-ranging agenda.  One of the first things we talked about was the progress that we’re making in terms of growing the economy again. …

6:16 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, hello, hello!  (Applause.)  Hello, everybody!  (Applause.)  I was going to say welcome to the White House — but you guys seem like you feel right at home.  (Laughter.)  You don’t need me to tell…

President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke by telephone today with a focus on preparations for the G-8/G-20 meetings this week in Canada.  The President noted the historic nature of the Prime Minister’s statement last week on the…

Adjunto hay una carta enviada hoy por el Presidente a la Presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes sobre enmiendas a las propuestas sobre el año fiscal (FY) 2010 incluídas en el presupuesto del año fiscal (FY) 2011 para los Departamentos…

Earlier today President Obama was updated by senior staff on the ongoing response to the wildfires in Arizona and the Administration’s continued work with state and local officials to fight it. Under the President’s direction, both the U.S. Forest Service…

Last year, on the anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision in the case of Olmstead v. L.C., President Obama launched “The Year of Community Living,” a new effort to assist Americans with disabilities.  One year later, the Administration has…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the White House announced the appointment of 13 outstanding men and women to serve as White House Fellows.  The White House Fellows come from diverse backgrounds, varied professions and all of the 2010-2011 Fellows have shown…

READ THE FACT SHEET (PDF) 90-DAY ANNIVERSARY OF THE SIGNING OF THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT AND THE NEW PATIENTS’ BILL OF RIGHTS One day after the 90-day anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act, the President will deliver…