Archive: June 24, 2010

3:08 P.M. EDT PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, good afternoon, everybody.  It is a pleasure to be here with my friend and partner, President Medvedev, and I want to thank him again for his leadership, especially his vision for an innovative Russia…

2:07 P.M. EDT PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Please be seated.  Dobryy Den.  After many meetings around the world, I’m delighted to welcome my friend and partner, President Medvedev, to the White House. This is also an opportunity to return…

2:52 P.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you all so much.  I don’t know if I can top that.  I wish I could sing and dance or give you something a little bit more, but all I have is my thanks. …

“Felicito a la Cámara de Representantes por la aprobación de la Ley DISCLOSE, una ley crucial para controlar el flujo de dinero proveniente de intereses especiales en nuestras elecciones. La Ley DISCLOSE establecerá los requisitos de divulgación más estrictos jamás…

El Presidente Obama llamó hoy al Presidente electo de Colombia Juan Manuel Santos para felicitarlo por su histórica victoria en las elecciones del domingo pasado. El Presidente y el Presidente electo Santos hablaron de su deseo compartido de profundizar la…

Today, Republicans in the Senate for the second time blocked a bill that includes critical aid for states and American families.  This legislation extends benefits for Americans looking for work and would save the jobs of thousands of teachers, firefighters…

President Obama spoke with Prime Minister Gillard this evening to offer his congratulations on her assumption of the position of Prime Minister of Australia.  The President praised the special alliance between the United States and Australia and the shared interests,…

Earlier today President Obama called Colombian President-elect Juan Manuel Santos to congratulate him on his historic victory in Sunday’s run-off election.  The President and President-elect Santos discussed their shared desire to deepen the strong relationship between the United States and…

“I’m pleased that Congress has acted to ensure the security of our seniors’ health care. A 21-percent pay cut to physicians’ payments would have forced some doctors to step seeing Medicare patients – an outcome we can all agree is…

Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change Carol Browner met with BP executives Bob Dudley, Lamar McKay, David Nagel and Karen St. John earlier today to discuss a number of key issues including containment, redundancy, claims and scientific…