Archive: June 25, 2010

President Obama pledged a swift, coordinated, and aggressive effort in response to the earthquake in Haiti in January and called for sustained commitment to Haiti’s reconstruction.  In light of Haitian President Preval’s attendance at the G8 today, the President reiterated…

President Obama is a strong advocate for greater transparency and accountability in the G-8.  The President believes that the credibility of the G-8 rests on the willingness of its members to honor their commitments by reporting transparently on progress and…

On Friday, June 25, 2010 the President signed into law: H.R. 3962, the “Preservation of Access to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries and Pension Relief Act of 2010,” which provides for a Medicare physician payment rate update and provides single and…

WASHINGTON, D.C.-  On Tuesday, June 29, Vice President Biden will travel to the Gulf Coast region to assess efforts to counter the BP oil spill. The Vice President will visit the National Incident Command Center in New Orleans, and will…

“Me complace que el Congreso haya tomado medidas a fin de preservar la seguridad de la atención médica para nuestras personas mayores. Un recorte de 21 por ciento en los pagos a los médicos habría obligado a algunos a dejar…

WASHINGTON – Today at 11:45am EDT, Senior Advisor David Axelrod and White House Counsel Bob Bauer will hold a conference call in advance of next week’s Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings on Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court nomination. WHO: David Axelrod,…

10:14 A.M. EDT MR. GIBBS:  We may have to make this one quick because it feels like we’re, as I would say, getting closer to the ground on purpose. Fire away.  Who’s got something? Q    Robert, with regulatory reform now…