Archive: June 27, 2010

7:25 P.M. (Local) PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, Prime Minister Kan and I just had an excellent conversation and bilateral meeting after three days where we’ve had an opportunity to share ideas on not only the most pressing issues that are facing…

6:03 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Please, everybody, have a seat.  Good evening.  I want to thank our wonderful hosts —- first and foremost, my friend and partner, Prime Minister Harper, as well as the Canadian people, and the people of…

4:13 P.M. EDT PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, I want to express my pleasure having the opportunity to meet once again with my good friend, Prime Minister Singh.  I said before and I continue to believe that the extraordinary leadership that Prime…

Toronto Convention Center Toronto, Canada 8:27 A.M. EDT                  PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Good morning, everybody.  Selamat pagi. It is wonderful once again to see my good friend, the President of Indonesia, and members of his delegation.  I obviously have enjoyed…

Preamble 1.In Toronto, we held our first Summit of the G-20 in its new capacity as the premier forum for our international economic cooperation.  2.Building on our achievements in addressing the global economic crisis, we have agreed on the next…

This week, the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate reported out of conference committee an historic financial reform bill, one consistent with the key priorities that President Obama laid out a year ago.  The bill puts the U.S.…

At the Toronto Summit, G-20 Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to phasing out fossil fuel subsidies, a groundbreaking agreement at the Pittsburgh Summit which will encourage the conservation of energy, improve our energy security, reduce economically inefficient burdens on budgets, and…

The United States, working with its G-20 partners, has forged a strong and swift response to address global challenges. The multilateral development banks have served as first responders to the world’s poorest following the financial crisis, providing $222 billion in…

President Obama believes that the world’s major economies have a special responsibility to prevent and tackle corruption and to establish legal and policy frameworks that ensure the integrity of markets and promote a clean business environment. In recent decades, the…

Historic G-20 actions have helped restore growth and jobs, and are on track to build a stronger, safer global financial system.  That is why the Pittsburgh Summit made the G-20 the leading forum for international economic cooperation, and why ongoing…