Archive: June 30, 2010

El voto hoy por la Cámara de Representantes a favor de la reforma de Wall Street hace que estemos a punto de aprobar una ley que les dará a los consumidores mayor protección y salvaguardará la economía de crisis económicas…

1:24 P.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you so much.  Thank you.  Everybody have a seat, if you’ve got a chair.  (Laughter.)  Well, thank you so much.  Thank you, everybody.  It’s great to see you.  (Applause.)  It’s good to be back…

Estoy sumamente agradecido con el Senado por confirmar tan rápidamente al general Petraeus para que dirija nuestra campaña militar en Afganistán. El general Petraeus es fundamental para el éxito de nuestros esfuerzos en Afganistán –y en nuestra campaña más extensa…

Today’s House vote in favor of Wall Street Reform puts us on the cusp of passing a law that will give consumers greater protection and safeguard our economy against future financial crises. It has been a long fight against the…

On Wednesday, June 30, 2010, the President signed into law: S.J.Res. 33, which urges the Fifth Constitutional Convention of the U.S. Virgin Islands to reconvene for the purpose of reconsidering and revising their proposed constitution in response to the views…

I am extremely grateful to the Senate for acting so quickly to confirm General Petraeus to lead our military effort in Afghanistan. General Petraeus is a pivotal part of our effort to succeed in Afghanistan – and in our broader…

On Tuesday evening, June 29, the Vice President flew to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, where he joined General David Petraeus and Mrs. Holly Petraeus for dinner at their home. General Petraeus is expected to take up his…

“This debate we’re having in Washington isn’t about big government or small government.  It’s about responsible government.  It’s about accountable government.  It’s about a government that stands on the side of the American people – a government that breaks down…

Statement by NSC Spokesman Mike Hammer Today, the United States and Pakistan celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Fulbright academic exchange program and the growth of U.S. – Pakistan educational cooperation.  President Obama congratulates the bilateral U.S. – Pakistan Fulbright…

The President will be greeted upon arrival at General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by the following individuals: Governor Jim Doyle Jessica Doyle, First Lady of Wisconsin Mayor Thomas Barrett, Milwaukee TOWN HALL Racine Memorial Hall The President will…