Archive: July 1, 2010

11:12 A.M. EDT      EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias a todos. Gracias. Gracias. (Aplausos.) Tomen asiento todos, por favor. Muchas gracias. Permítanme agradecerle al Rev. Hybels que vive cerca de mi ciudad, Chicago, quien se dio tiempo durante sus vacaciones para…

6:30 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  Please have a seat, everybody.  Good evening, everybody.  As President, one of my highest national security priorities is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.  That’s why my administration has aggressively pursued a…

5:01 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, everybody.  What’s going on, guys?   Thank you, thank you, everybody.  Everybody have a seat.  Well, hello.  Welcome to the White House.  Congratulations to Sky Blue on winning your first Women’s Professional Soccer Championship.  Congratulations. …

11:12 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.  Thank you.  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Everyone please have a seat.  Thank you very much.  Let me thank Pastor Hybels from near my hometown in Chicago, who took time off his vacation…

11:12 A.M. EDT EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias a todos. Gracias. Gracias. (Aplausos.) Tomen asiento todos, por favor. Muchas gracias. Permítanme agradecerle al Rev. Hybels que vive cerca de mi ciudad, Chicago, quien se dio tiempo durante sus vacaciones para venir…

Today, I have signed into law H.R. 2194, the “Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010”. This Act builds upon the recently passed United Nations Security Council Resolution and its strong foundation for new multilateral sanctions. It is…

Today the House of Representatives moved to extend benefits for Americans looking for work, and the President urges the Republican leadership in the Senate to end their obstruction of this critical aid.  The attempts by the majority of Republicans in…

President Obama and Vice-President Biden received a briefing today from Secretary Napolitano, Secretary Chu, Secretary Salazar, Administrator Jackson, Administrator Lubchenco, Carol Browner and other senior administration officials on the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Secretary Napolitano and National Incident Commander…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key administration posts: Alexander A. Arvizu, Ambassador to the Republic of Albania, Department of State Nisha Desai Biswal, Assistant Administrator for Asia, United States Agency…

REMARKS ON COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM The President will deliver remarks on the need to fix our broken immigration system through comprehensive immigration reform at the American University School of International Service.  The audience of approximately 250 people will be composed…