Archive: July 14, 2010

Hoy, el Presidente Obama nombró a cinco personas a tribunales federales de distrito, entre ellas el juez Marco Hernández y la jueza Diana Saldaña. “Estas personas han demostrado un compromiso con la justicia durante toda su carrera”, afirmó el Presidente…

Esta tarde, el Presidente Obama recibió por teléfono la más reciente información de los secretarios Chu, Napolitano y Salazar, como también la administradora Jackson, el comandante de incidentes nacionales Allen y Carol Browner sobre los esfuerzos de respuesta al derrame…

Report Finds Recovery Act Advanced Vehicle Projects Are Creating Jobs, Spurring Private Capital Investment and Cutting Electric Vehicle Cost WASHINGTON, DC – Ahead of President Obama’s trip to Holland, MI tomorrow for the official groundbreaking of the new Compact Power…

NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Conrad Ernest Candelaria, of New Mexico, to be United States Marshal for the District of New Mexico for the term of four years, vice Gorden Edward Eden, Jr., term expired. James Edward Clark, of Kentucky,…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Obama nominated Conrad Ernest Candelaria, James Edward Clark, Joseph Anthony Papili, and James Alfred Thompson to serve as U.S. Marshals. “These individuals have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to public service throughout their careers,” said President Obama.…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Obama nominated Victoria F. Nourse to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.  “Throughout her career Victoria Nourse has shown a commitment to justice,” said President Obama. “I am proud to…

WASHINGTON- Today, President Obama nominated Mark F. Green and Joseph H. Hogsett to serve as United States Attorneys. “Throughout their careers these individuals have demonstrated an unwavering to justice,” said President Obama. “I am confident they will serve the people…

The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Wyoming and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by flooding during the period of June 4-18, 2010. Federal funding is…

This afternoon, President Obama received an update by phone from Secretaries Chu, Napolitano and Salazar as well as Administrator Jackson, National Incident Commander Allen and Carol Browner on the oil spill response efforts. Yesterday, Admiral Allen and the federal science…

Officials to preview new DOE report on Recovery Act investments in advanced battery and electric vehicle industry WASHINGTON- Today at 4:00 p.m. EDT, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer, and Matt Rogers, Senior Advisor to Energy…