Archive: July 15, 2010

The President spoke with Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh earlier today.  President Obama discussed U.S. and international support for policies to address Yemen’s political and economic challenges,  including through the Friends of Yemen group.  The leaders discussed the importance of…

“Felicito al presidente de comité Miller y al Comité de Educación y Trabajo de la Cámara de Representantes por lograr aprobar hoy a nivel de comité de manera bipartidista una medida legislativa de reautorización para la nutrición infantil. Esta importante…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key administration posts: • Kristie A. Kenney, Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand, Department of State • Jo Ellen Powell, Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania,…

Un equipo conjunto del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional (National Security Council o NSC) y la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto (Office of Management and Budget) recibió un informe preliminar hoy del Consejo de Inspectores Generales sobre Integridad y Eficiencia (Council…

I thank Dennis for his service to the country and to my Administration. I appreciate his guidance and hard work on various important priorities – from expanding broadband Internet access across the country to reforming our export control system in…

A joint team at NSC and OMB received a preliminary briefing today from the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), which is a statutory body of IG’s.  At the request of the NSC and in coordination with…

Today, the President will deliver remarks at a groundbreaking ceremony at Compact Power, Inc. a subsidiary of LG Chem Ltd., a battery plant in Holland, Michigan.  The plant is the ninth of nine new advanced battery factories to start construction…

“I congratulate Chairman Miller and the House Education and Labor Committee on the successful bipartisan passage of a child nutrition reauthorization bill out of the Committee today. This important legislation will combat hunger and provide millions of schoolchildren with access…

On July 14 and 15, National Security Advisor General Jones visited New Delhi at the invitation of his Indian counterpart, Shivshankar Menon.  While in New Delhi, General Jones met with NSA Menon and other senior Indian officials to discuss the…

Aboard Air Force One En Route Grand Rapids, Michigan 12:24 P.M. EDT Q    Did you talk to the President about last night’s meeting with House Democratic leaders? MR. GIBBS:  I talked to him briefly about it.  He said the meeting…