Archive: July 20, 2010

Elena Kagan es una de los más destacados juristas del país y ha demostrado en todo este proceso que, de recibir confirmación, sería una jueza imparcial y justa de la Corte Suprema que comprende que las decisiones tomadas por el…

Camden Yards Baltimore, Maryland 11:22 A.M. EDT   MRS. OBAMA:  Oh, man, those were cool.  Pretty cool.  That’s my first, like, major PSA.  What do you think, kids?  Good?  Two thumbs up?  Would you listen?  Yes, I thought so.  Okay. …

1:58 P.M. EDT PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Please have a seat.  It is my great pleasure to welcome Prime Minister Cameron on his first visit to the White House as Prime Minister.  We have just concluded some excellent discussions…

Hoy representa un importante paso hacia la aprobación de la extensión del seguro por desempleo, que es crucial para millones de estadounidenses que se esfuerzan por encontrar empleo, poner comida sobre la mesa y hacer que les alcance el dinero…

Washington, DC – El Presidente Obama anunció hoy que el gobierno federal reducirá en 13%la contaminación con gas de efecto invernadero, como por ejemplo con viajes y transporte de trabajadores, para el 2020. Este compromiso va más allá del objetivo…

Elena Kagan es una de los más destacados juristas del país y ha demostrado en todo este proceso que, de recibir confirmación, sería una jueza imparcial y justa de la Corte Suprema que comprende que las decisiones tomadas por el…

Today marks an important step toward passing the unemployment insurance extension which is critical to millions of Americans fighting to find a job, put food on the table and make ends meet during this tough economic time.  After a partisan…

Washington, DC – President Obama announced today that the Federal Government will reduce greenhouse gas pollution from indirect sources, such as employee travel and commuting, by 13% by 2020.  This commitment expands beyond the Administration’s greenhouse gas reduction target from…

WASHINGTON, D.C.- On Thursday, July 22, Vice President Biden will return to the Gulf Coast region. The Vice President will visit Theodore, Alabama, to assess efforts to counter the BP oil spill and visit with Gulf residents affected by the…

Elena Kagan is one of this country’s leading legal minds, and has shown throughout this process that, if confirmed, she would be a fair and impartial Supreme Court Justice who understands how decisions made by the Court affect the lives…