Archive: September 7, 2010

5:10 P.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you, everyone.  (Applause.)  Please, sit, relax.  Welcome to my home.  Welcome to the White House.  (Laughter.)  And thank you, Damian, for that wonderful introduction.  Damian has made so many outstanding contributions in the arts,…

As Jews in America and around the world celebrate the first of the High Holy Days I want to extend my warmest wishes for the New Year.  L’shana Tova Tikatevu – may you be inscribed and sealed in the Book…

El Presidente recibió hoy al Secretario General Anders Fogh Rasmussen de la OTAN en la Oficina Oval. El Presidente le agradeció al Secretario General por el significativo compromiso de la OTAN con la promoción de la paz y estabilidad en…

The President welcomed NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen to the Oval Office earlier today.  The President thanked the Secretary General for the significant NATO commitment to promoting peace and stability around the world, particularly in Afghanistan where nearly 50,000…

Today, President Obama was pleased to call Julia Gillard to offer his congratulations on her successful formation of a government and becoming the new Prime Minister of Australia.  The President conveyed his personal commitment, and the commitment of the United…

No mayor in America has loved a city more or served a community with greater passion than Rich Daley.   He helped build Chicago’s image as a world class city, and leaves a legacy of progress that will be appreciated for…

12:16 P.M. EDT      MR. GIBBS:  Yes, ma’am.  Good afternoon.      Q    Good afternoon.  Robert, there’s a church in Gainesville, Florida, that says it’s going to go ahead and burn copies of the Koran to mark the…